1. The watchtower is the publication of the Watchtower Bible and Tract Society... Members of this Society are known as Jehovah's Witness'. These members/society will further be addressed as "JW."
2. The JW's have several specific doctrinal beliefs which include, but are not limited to the following: Christ is God's Son and is inferior to Him; Christ was first of God's creations; Christ died on a stake, not a cross.
3. The cross is something that is heatedly denied, rejected and disdained by every JW i have ever have the pleasure to have conversed.
So all that said - I would like this explained...
Not a lot of meat here... just an old scan.
Hahaha, hice. But, a thought occurs: just how old of a scan is it? Maybe they altered the doctrine since the time that thing was printed? You know, kinda like with Mormons and polygamy, only without the United States threatening to shut them down for it?
HiddenSquire Said: Maybe they altered the doctrine since the time that thing was printed?
Yes, that is the point. They changed it.
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