Monday, October 29, 2007

The Mormon Method

So lets say that you agree to meet with the Mormon Missionaries. Lets say you want to meet with them, one would think that a person who, "has the truth" would fight, beg and plead to be heard. Well not true with the Mormon's. After a meeting with the bishop, and two missionaries, I received a call ( two days later). The missionary called to tell me that we couldn't meet. When discussing this a very interesting idea came out, that I haven't noticed before. This fellow basically told me that if I want to know that Mormonism is true, I should Believe it and then study it. Can you see how backwards this is?? Here is an example... I have a great new idea for a device that acts like a parachute, only it only uses air power. So why don't you go jump out of a plane and we will see if it works. This is what the Mormons what you to do. They don't want you to study their doctrines, or what their prophets have said, No they want you to just believe it all, and then study once you become a part of the cult. Logic is what Mormons lack, pure and simple.


Anonymous said...

Whenever I read something like this, I feel like I need to make some point about how such a description is biased or unfair or doesn't represent the whole picture. However, in spite of the fact that this entry SEEMS biased, from all my experience it's all too accurate! I've spoken with both Mormons and their missionaries and (to their credit) they WILL give the time to argue a point and/or offer some support, but in the end, they always seem to resort to the resolution that through prayer we can come to ACCEPTANCE and belief FIRST and only then – with "FAITH" (blind acceptance) to guide us – UNDERSTAND what the doctrine actually says. It IS backwards, but of course, no one said the religion isn't growing.

Ken Cook said...

Bot - If You wish to Post on this Blog, You can not Post entire Blogs of your own... Also Stay on topic. If you would like to discuss why Mormonism is a Cult and what it's major errors are we can do that...

Bot said...

Ken, so I can only comment on this blog if I disparage Mormonism? What if it is really based on Christianity? Shouldn't your readers know that?

Ken Cook said...

You can feel Free to discuss why you think Mormonism is Christian. The issue is that Mormonism Isn't Christianity, and it Doesn't believe the Bible.

Bot said...


You obviously didn't read what I posted. Would you believe members of the Church of Jesus Christ (LDS) spend TWICE as much time studying the Bible as they do the Book of Mormon. Members believe and revere the Jesus described in the New Testament. They don't subscribe to the creeds of the Fourth Century (which is likely your definition of Christianity). They believe every word of the original Greek New Testament writings. So, if they continue the practices and theology of First Century Christians, shouldn't they be accorded the title "Christian"?

Anonymous said...

I ran into 2 Mormon missionaries on the street, and I was going to witness to them right there, but they scheduled an appointment to come over to my house a couple days later.

I wait around for them to show up, but they never did. Eight days later, they show up unannounced, and we talked for a while. It doesn't seem like a very good witness to show up 8 days late to me.

I guess if they believe that almost no one is going to hell, there just isn't any urgency in their evangelism.