Ah back on the blog again. I have to be honest, working a sales job is very mentally draining and doesn't leave me much energy to blog, however, I am hoping that this gets me back on track. At the church I have started an apologetics class based on The Believers Reason, that will featured Sundays on this blog until its completion ten weeks from now. It is my prayer that over these next weeks God would work in your heart to give you a desire to defend the truth and the Church (universal). As Part of our homework for this week, please download and listen to one sermon/show, from the two groups and compare them, looking for Christ-Centeredness, The Gospel, Life tips, Pop Psychology, Proper use and context in bible verses, the style and Goal of preaching, What does the pastor want you to walk away with, ect.
Here is the Class Audio, go to menu to download it.
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Fighting for the Faith, A program I listen to frequently, for quality sermon reviews and Christian discernment. Yes, I know its by a Lutheran, but hey, they aren't all bad.